Understand the problem

About 422 million people worldwide have diabetes. Although early diagnosis and treatment is possible and affordable,diabetes can lead to several types of complications

1. Slow Progression

Absence of an overview means the problem is detected only after permanent organ damage has started and is already impacting daily life.

Diabetic Retinopathy is a Neuro-Vascular complications, which means it impacts nerves and veins.

Yet its is diagnosed AFTER the ocular veins start deforming or leaking making treatment options limited in effectiveness and unable to reverse the damage, although detectable optic nerve damage would have started around a decade earlier.

*The information provided in this diagram is merely informative and does not have scientific accuracy. It is solely made to represent expected evolution of the diabetes complications over the years. However, it should not be considered strict or reliable for any other purpose besides complete the above exposed information


2. Nerve Loss

Nerve loss precedes most permanent organ damage.


1. It is not being used in diagnosis. It can be many years earlier than conventional diagnosis.

2. It is not diagnosed and treated as a complication by itself.



3. Disconnected Disciplines

Each deterioration is measured as an isolated problem although the entire body is impacted by diabetes change of metabolism.

Any strong links between them are ignored because of different speeds of progression and different physician for each complication.

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